Tuesday, January 6, 2015

7 Tips and Tricks on How to Get Started ( and keep going)

First of all, thanks for stopping by and taking your time to read the blog. I read and try to respond to every comment, message, and post! I get asked sometimes, "How did you get started?" and I think Wow, its really easy to get started... I mean, you go out, buy cute workout clothes and some new sneakers and maybe a DVD program buuuuut then what. 

The hardest part is to KEEP GOING. Thankfully, I've learned a lot in that department from IG weightloss stories and Beach Body. I'm not a professional but I can tell you what I am telling myself EVERY DAY and whats been working for me.....

1. Find a Support System- This was the first tip that popped into my mind because it is SO IMPORTANT. When I first started Beachbody and Piyo, I had my Coach and a big support system in the form of a Facebook Challenge Group. These were Challengers like me who were doing the program with me. Every day we checked in, talked about our workout, nutrition, etc. It gave me a sense of accountability and motivation to keep going! Right now, I'm working with a small group of my closest friends to complete a 6 week challenge. We check in and send pics every day. I also post daily on Instragram because I find the support so uplifting! There are people out there doing WORK every day and its AWESOME to see !! 

2. Break up with the Scale - Ok so this one fights all logic because it seems like your weight would be the only concrete way to monitor progress right?? WRONG ... Wrong Wroong Wroooong (I'm singing this). I'm a stubborn person (noooo) and like facts but the fact is, ones weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a day depending on what time, food  and water intake, and bathroom habits the weigh in happens. DONT DO IT. Haha ok now that I think I've got my point across, my experience has been my weightloss is not always reflected on the scale. If you notice in my pic in my first Blog (after Piyo) my pounds loss is so minimal, but the inches are not! A pound of fat takes up much more space than a pound of muscle so as you change and tone your body the scale may not reflect that right away! My suggestion is to do a weight-in in the AM and revisit the scale biweekly at the most IF YOU MUST :) Instead, take body measurements. I googled body measurement chart, printed it, and completed it. Boom, Done, Easy, your hard work will show on their instead!!  

3. You're not drinking enough Water - Its amazing how much water your body needs. If you are not drinking enough, your body doesn't know when it will get more water, and retains it. Camel style. Water weight is not what you want, so be sure to drink enough water! The new rule of thumb is to drink half of your weight in ounces. For example, if you weight 200lbs, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water daily. There are some great ways to monitor your water intake including phone apps like MyFitnessPal, or you can mark your water bottle like this, make it fun!! 

4. Nutrition trumps workouts - I learned how to eat better by following the PIYO suggested diets and 21 day fix. But then, cheese and bacon is delicious, so you go extra hard at the gym right? WROOOONGO, unfortunately, these do not equal out. The sayings "Abs are made in the kitchen" and "Nutrition is 80% Exercise 20% really are accurate.... Its so important to follow an eating plan and keep yourself accountable. I'll talk about this more in the next point, but its an important caveat here to say I also live by "Everything in moderation" and we are ALL human and treat ourselves. Do not restrict your diet- you will eventually fall of the wagon, get a case of the Fuckits, and go face first in a Chicken bucket or something. Then you'll feel crappy about the bucket and give up. Restriction does this, so dont. I really believe this is a life style change, not a diet, so its a balancing act. Remember no matter what, you are Human, your gonna have cheat meals, slip up, fall down, congrats tomorrow is another day. 

5. Be Kind to Yourself- Wow, I can't say this enough...Be kind to yourself, mentally, physically, spiritually. I believe in a mind body connection, so the thoughts you think in your head will manifest in your body. Be positive! Love your body at its highest weight and be its biggest cheerleader to its goal weight. Do this by taking before pictures and measurements. Note things that you like about your body and praise yourself for this journey. Don't enter a weightloss journey as a battle against your body, nobody will win :) 

6. Have a Goal in Sight- Most programs suggest a measurable, obtainable short term goal and a long term goal. Examples of this would be - Short term - lose 1-2 pounds per week, drink my xx ounces of water daily, improve my plank time from 10 seconds to 30 seconds in a month... you get the idea. Long term would be fitting into a specific outfit, losing a pant size, and whatever that MaGiCaL number is that you want to see on the scale (merf). 

7. HAVE A PLAN- Ok, last one... No matter what program, what your goal, what your starting at... HAVE A PLAN. When I was in school, I had a Planet Fitness membership and would go in there (with my super cute new sneakers/capris/water bottle/ whatever) and would just walk around willy nilly.... maybe do the treadmill.. maybe do the elliptical.. nah this is boring I'll go to the circuit thing. NOTHING HAPPENED. Guess why? I wasn't committed, I didn't know what I was doing, and I was uninspired. Nothing against PF, but I later joined Golds Gym and found some real inspiration doing Spin classes, Zumba, and Running in the Cardio Cinema. This took me a year to figure out, save yourself some time and have a plan. Yes, I'm a Beachbody coach, and yes I believe in the program, hence why I've been inspired on this journey but thats not why I'm saying this.... What Beachbody offers is a comprehensive program - nutrition and exercise- follow a plan and get results. Whatever plan, program, exercise you choose study it, understand it, and follow it!! Currently, I'm doing a 6 week Butts and Gutts Challenge and Beach body Turbo Fire. I do a daily shakeology, workout 4-5 days a week, and try to make 1 spin class a week. I save large water bottles and take them to work with me daily and try to drink the entire thing. I meal prep on Sundays and  I make my meals veggie and protein focused and get enough sleep at night. 

Best of luck on your journey! Specific Questions comment below :) 

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